addListGroup("stations", "database"); addList("database","valday", "valday", "valday"); addList("valday", "Ancillary Data ", "Ancillary", "Ancillary_valday"); addOption("Ancillary_valday", "Daily average wind speed measured with M-92 (installation altitude 2.0m) (m/s)", "AW2"); addOption("Ancillary_valday", "Daily average wind speed measured with M-92 (installation altitude 3.0m) (m/s)", "AW3"); addOption("Ancillary_valday", "Air temperature measured with TM9-1 (installation altitude 2.0 m) (meteostation data) (C)", "ATM"); addOption("Ancillary_valday", "Atmospheric pressure at station altitude measured with CP-A (installation altitude 205.35 m from Baltic sea) (meteostation data) (mB)", "APM"); addOption("Ancillary_valday", "Daily average wind speed measured with M-92 (installation altitude 2.0m) QC (m/s)", "AW2_qc"); addOption("Ancillary_valday", "Daily average wind speed measured with M-92 (installation altitude 2.0m) QC flag", "AW2__FLAG"); addOption("Ancillary_valday", "Daily average wind speed measured with M-92 (installation altitude 3.0m) QC (m/s)", "AW3_qc"); addOption("Ancillary_valday", "Daily average wind speed measured with M-92 (installation altitude 3.0m) QC flag", "AW3__FLAG"); addOption("Ancillary_valday", "Air temperature measured with TM9-1 (installation altitude 2.0 m) (meteostation data) 3hr QC (C)", "ATM_qc"); addOption("Ancillary_valday", "Air temperature measured with TM9-1 (installation altitude 2.0 m) (meteostation data) 3hr QC flag", "ATM__FLAG"); addOption("Ancillary_valday", "Atmospheric pressure at station altitude measured with CP-A (installation altitude 205.35 m from Baltic sea) (meteostation data) QC (mB)", "APM_qc"); addOption("Ancillary_valday", "Atmospheric pressure at station altitude measured with CP-A (installation altitude 205.35 m from Baltic sea) (meteostation data) QC flag", "AMP__FLAG"); addList("valday", "Geonor in double fence shield", "Geonor", "Geonor_valday"); addOption("Geonor_valday", "Precipitation intensity (mm/min)", "PI"); addOption("Geonor_valday", "Summary precipitation (mm)", "PS"); addOption("Geonor_valday", "Current level (mm)", "CL"); addOption("Geonor_valday", "Number of transducers ( )", "NT"); addOption("Geonor_valday", "Level 1 5min (mm)", "L1"); addOption("Geonor_valday", "Level 2 5min (mm)", "L2"); addOption("Geonor_valday", "Level 3 5min (mm)", "L3"); addOption("Geonor_valday", "Freq 1 (Hz)", "F1"); addOption("Geonor_valday", "Freq 2 (Hz)", "F2"); addOption("Geonor_valday", "Freq 3 (Hz)", "F3"); addOption("Geonor_valday", "Accumulation - wire 1 QCd 5 minute (mm)", "L1_qc"); addOption("Geonor_valday", "Accumulation - wire 2 QCd 5 minute (mm)", "L2_qc"); addOption("Geonor_valday", "Accumulation - wire 3 QCd 5 minute (mm)", "L3_qc"); addOption("Geonor_valday", "Accumulation - QCd wire average 5 minute (mm)", "accum_avg_qc"); addOption("Geonor_valday", "Accumulation - wire 1 QC flags 5 minute", "L1__FLAG"); addOption("Geonor_valday", "Accumulation - wire 2 QC flags 5 minute", "L2__FLAG"); addOption("Geonor_valday", "Accumulation - wire 3 QC flags 5 minute", "L3__FLAG"); addOption("Geonor_valday", "Accumulation - wire average QC flags 5 minute", "accum_avg__FLAG"); addList("valday", "Lufft WS500 ", "WS", "WS_valday"); addOption("WS_valday", "Wind velocity (m/s)", "WV"); addOption("WS_valday", "Wind direction ( )", "WD"); addOption("WS_valday", "Air temperature (C)", "AT"); addOption("WS_valday", "Humidity (%)", "HM"); addOption("WS_valday", "Atmosperical pressure (mb)", "AP"); addOption("WS_valday", "Wind Velocity 5min QC (m/s)", "WV_qc"); addOption("WS_valday", "Wind Velocity 5min QC flag", "WV__FLAG"); addOption("WS_valday", "Wind Direction 5min QC", "WD_qc"); addOption("WS_valday", "Wind DIrection 5min QC flag", "WD__FLAG"); addOption("WS_valday", "Air Temperature 5min QC (C)", "AT_qc"); addOption("WS_valday", "Air Temperature 5min QC flag", "AT__FLAG"); addOption("WS_valday", "Humidity 5min QC (%)", "HM_qc"); addOption("WS_valday", "Humidity 5min QC flag", "HM__FLAG"); addOption("WS_valday", "Atmosperical pressure 5min QC (mb)", "AP_qc"); addOption("WS_valday", "Atmosperical pressure 5min QC flag", "AP__FLAG"); addList("valday", "Pluvio2 200mm ", "PV200", "PV200_valday"); addOption("PV200_valday", "Accumulated NRT (mm)", "ANRT21"); addOption("PV200_valday", "Accumulated total NRT (mm)", "ATNRT21"); addOption("PV200_valday", "Bucket NRT (mm)", "BNRT21"); addOption("PV200_valday", "Pluvio status", "PS21"); addOption("PV200_valday", "Load cell temperature (C)", "LCT21"); addOption("PV200_valday", "Rim heating temperature (C)", "RHT21"); addOption("PV200_valday", "Internal temperature (C)", "IT21"); addOption("PV200_valday", "Power Supply (V)", "P21"); addOption("PV200_valday", "Accumulated NRT QC (mm)", "ANRT21_qc"); addOption("PV200_valday", "Accumulation NRT QC Flag", "ANRT21__FLAG"); addOption("PV200_valday", "Accumulation total NRT QC (mm)", "ATNRT21_qc"); addOption("PV200_valday", "Accumulation total NRT QC Flag", "ATNRT21__FLAG"); addOption("PV200_valday", "Bucket NRT QC (mm)", "BNRT21_qc"); addOption("PV200_valday", "Bucket NRT QC Flag", "BNRT21__FLAG"); addList("valday", "Pluvio2 400mm ", "PV400", "PV400_valday"); addOption("PV400_valday", "Accumulated NRT (mm)", "ANRT41"); addOption("PV400_valday", "Accumulated total NRT (mm)", "ATNRT41"); addOption("PV400_valday", "Bucket NRT (mm)", "BNRT41"); addOption("PV400_valday", "Pluvio status", "PS41"); addOption("PV400_valday", "Load cell temperature (C)", "LCT41"); addOption("PV400_valday", "Internal temperature (C)", "IT41"); addOption("PV400_valday", "Power Supply (V)", "P41"); addOption("PV400_valday", "Accumulated NRT QC (mm)", "ANRT41_qc"); addOption("PV400_valday", "Accumulation NRT QC Flag", "ANRT41__FLAG"); addOption("PV400_valday", "Accumulation total NRT QC (mm)", "ATNRT41_qc"); addOption("PV400_valday", "Accumulation total NRT QC Flag", "ATNRT41__FLAG"); addOption("PV400_valday", "Bucket NRT QC (mm)", "BNRT41_qc"); addOption("PV400_valday", "Bucket NRT QC Flag", "BNRT41__FLAG"); addList("valday", "R0 reference ", "R0", "R0_valday"); addOption("R0_valday", "Precipitation layer measured by gauge 8 (fenced+Tretykov shield) (mm)", "T8"); addOption("R0_valday", "Precipitation layer measured by gauge 0 (fenced+Tretykov shield) (mm)", "T0"); addOption("R0_valday", "Precipitation layer measured by gauge 21 (fenced+Tretykov shield) (mm)", "T21"); addOption("R0_valday", "Precipitation type (%char=5 )", "PT"); addOption("R0_valday", "Precipitation during bucket change", "PD"); addList("valday", "R1 reference ", "R1", "R1_valday"); addOption("R1_valday", "Precipitation layer measured by gauge 1 (mm)", "T1"); addOption("R1_valday", "Precipitation type (%char=5)", "PT"); addOption("R1_valday", "Precipitation during bucket change", "PD"); addList("valday", "R2 consisted from tho PLuvio2 200 inside double fence wind shield ", "R2", "R2_valday"); addOption("R2_valday", "Accumulation (mm)", "AC"); addOption("R2_valday", "Total Accumulation (mm)", "TC"); addOption("R2_valday", "Bucket (mm)", "BC"); addOption("R2_valday", "Accumulation NRT 5min QC (mm)", "AC_qc"); addOption("R2_valday", "Total Accumulation NRT 5min QC (mm)", "TC_qc"); addOption("R2_valday", "Bucket NRT 5min QC (mm)", "BC_qc"); addOption("R2_valday", "Accumulation NRT 5min QC flag", "AC__FLAG"); addOption("R2_valday", "Total Accumulation NRT 5min QC flag", "TC__FLAG"); addOption("R2_valday", "Bucket NRT 5min QC flag", "BC__FLAG"); addList("valday", "R3 reference ", "R3", "R3_valday"); addOption("R3_valday", "Unshielded PV (accumulation) (mm)", "USPV"); addOption("R3_valday", "Unshielded PV (total accumulation) (mm)", "USPV_Total"); addOption("R3_valday", "Shielded PV (accumulation) (mm)", "SPV"); addOption("R3_valday", "Shielded PV (total accumulation) (mm)", "SPV_Total"); addOption("R3_valday", "Unshielded PV Bucket (mm)", "UPB"); addOption("R3_valday", "Shielded PV Bucket (mm)", "SPB"); addOption("R3_valday", "Unshielded PV (accumulation) NRT 5min QC (mm)", "USPV_qc"); addOption("R3_valday", "Unshielded PV (total accumulation) NRT 5min QC (mm)", "USPV_Total_qc"); addOption("R3_valday", "Shielded PV (accumulation) NRT 5min QC (mm)", "SPV_qc"); addOption("R3_valday", "Shielded PV (total accumulation) NRT 5min QC (mm)", "SPV_Total_qc"); addOption("R3_valday", "Unshielded PV Bucket NRT 5min QC (mm)", "UPB_qc"); addOption("R3_valday", "Shielded PV Bucket NRT 5min QC (mm)", "SPB_qc"); addOption("R3_valday", "Unshielded PV (accumulation) NRT 5min QC flag", "USPV__FLAG"); addOption("R3_valday", "Unshielded PV (total accumulation) NRT 5min QC flag", "USPV_Total__FLAG"); addOption("R3_valday", "Shielded PV (accumulation) NRT 5min QC flag", "SPV__FLAG"); addOption("R3_valday", "Shielded PV (total accumulation) NRT 5min QC flag", "SPV_Total__FLAG"); addOption("R3_valday", "Unshielded PV Bucket NRT 5min QC flag", "UPB__FLAG"); addOption("R3_valday", "Shielded PV Bucket NRT 5min QC flag", "SPB__FLAG"); addList("valday", "Tretyakov gauges ", "Tret", "Tret_valday"); addOption("Tret_valday", "Precipitation layer measured by gauge 2 (mm)", "T2"); addOption("Tret_valday", "Precipitation layer measured by gauge 3 (mm)", "T3"); addOption("Tret_valday", "Precipitation layer measured by gauge 4 (mm)", "T4"); addOption("Tret_valday", "Precipitation layer measured by gauge 5 (mm)", "T5"); addOption("Tret_valday", "Precipitation layer measured by gauge 6 (mm)", "T6"); addOption("Tret_valday", "Precipitation layer measured by gauge 7 (mm)", "T7"); addOption("Tret_valday", "Precipitation type (%char=5)", "PT"); addOption("Tret_valday", "Precipitation during bucket change", "PD");