Quotes |
Sir Ronald Fisher:
"The one 'chance in a million' will occur, with no less and no more than its appropriate frequency, however surprised we may be that it should occur to us."
Emil Gumbel:
"It seems that the rivers know the theory. It only remains to convince the engineers of the validity of this analysis."
"Il est impossible que l'improbable n'arrive jamais."
"Il y aura toujours une valeur qui dépassera toutes les autres."
Nassim Taleb:
"Extremistan: the province where the total can be conceivably impacted by a single observation."
John Tukey:
"As I am sure almost every geophysicist knows, distributions of actual errors and fluctuations have much more straggling extreme values than would correspond to the magic bell-shaped distribution of Gauss and Laplace."
President's Water Commission (1950):
"However big floods get, there will always be a bigger one coming; so says one theory of extremes, and experience suggests it is true."